Hey loves! If you remember the post about 100% Pure‘s jingle sale, I gave you guys a list of what I wanted to pick up during the sale – so here’s that post! I picked up the 2nd Skin Foundation in…

cruelty free beauty & more
Hey my loves! It's been quite a while, and boy, have things changed since I last wrote a post. I am fortunate enough to be able to work remotely but I know that is not the case for the majority of ...
Hey loves! Life has been busy, but so good to me. I've been busy working full time as a web designer so that's why I've been absent here and there. I want to thank everyone who has stuck around for ...
Hey guys! Sorry that it's been such a long time for me to get a new post up - life has been a little hectic and I've been trying to focus on my graphic design career. I need to get better with my time ...
Hey my loves! Mother's Day is on May 12th and I wanted to make a gift guide featuring cruelty free products to help you out when shopping for gifts this year! I decided to break it into three ...
Hey loves! If you remember the post about 100% Pure‘s jingle sale, I gave you guys a list of what I wanted to pick up during the sale – so here’s that post! I picked up the 2nd Skin Foundation in…
Self-esteem is something that a lot of women struggle with – studies have shown that up to 80 percent of us have at least one thing that we dislike about our appearance. Whether we dislike our skin tone, our body…
Looking after your hair is such a basic aspect of life, yet we’ve somehow managed to make it complicated. It’s a miracle when you think about it, creating an entire industry off a bunch of protein on the top of…
When the time comes for you to move to college, it can feel really intimidating. This is the moment that you’ve spent most of your educational life working up towards and now, you’re starting to feel a little bit scared….
Hey loves! I hope you had a very Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah, or happy whatever you decide to celebrate! I enjoyed spending time with my family and loved seeing the looks on their faces as they opened the gifts…
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