Hey my loves! It’s been quite a while, per usual. I’ve really been focusing on my future in graphic design and just taking some time for me (since my mental health hasn’t been the best lately). Recently tarte brought back their…

cruelty free beauty & more
Hey my loves! It's been quite a while, and boy, have things changed since I last wrote a post. I am fortunate enough to be able to work remotely but I know that is not the case for the majority of ...
Hey loves! Life has been busy, but so good to me. I've been busy working full time as a web designer so that's why I've been absent here and there. I want to thank everyone who has stuck around for ...
Hey guys! Sorry that it's been such a long time for me to get a new post up - life has been a little hectic and I've been trying to focus on my graphic design career. I need to get better with my time ...
Hey my loves! Mother's Day is on May 12th and I wanted to make a gift guide featuring cruelty free products to help you out when shopping for gifts this year! I decided to break it into three ...
Hey my loves! It’s been quite a while, per usual. I’ve really been focusing on my future in graphic design and just taking some time for me (since my mental health hasn’t been the best lately). Recently tarte brought back their…
Most of us have money worries of some kind. Around 82% of millennials owe money in some way, whether it’s student loans credit cards or a mortgage. Even if you don’t owe money, there’s always something else to think about….
If you’re in college and wondering what to do afterward, then traveling may be something that you are considering. After your college years tied down in the same place, the thought of heading off to faraway shores can seem really…
Hey my loves! Sorry for my absence, again. I’m trying to focus on school, my mental health and my future career in graphic design – I’m sure you all understand! I’ve been blogging for 3 years now and I’ve learned…
A major life change can be scary. It’s a complete step into the unknown. Many of us avoid change because we’re worried that it won’t work out and that we’ll end up in a worse situation. But if you’re currently…
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