Fashion isn’t really my forte…well let’s be honest, nothing is really my forte haha. But I feel like when it comes to fashion, many people are too scared to go out of their comfort zone. I know that I have…

cruelty free beauty & more
Hey my loves! It's been quite a while, and boy, have things changed since I last wrote a post. I am fortunate enough to be able to work remotely but I know that is not the case for the majority of ...
Hey loves! Life has been busy, but so good to me. I've been busy working full time as a web designer so that's why I've been absent here and there. I want to thank everyone who has stuck around for ...
Hey guys! Sorry that it's been such a long time for me to get a new post up - life has been a little hectic and I've been trying to focus on my graphic design career. I need to get better with my time ...
Hey my loves! Mother's Day is on May 12th and I wanted to make a gift guide featuring cruelty free products to help you out when shopping for gifts this year! I decided to break it into three ...
Fashion isn’t really my forte…well let’s be honest, nothing is really my forte haha. But I feel like when it comes to fashion, many people are too scared to go out of their comfort zone. I know that I have…
The start of the college year is not too far from us now, and you might be heading to college for the very first time. If that’s the case, you need to make sure that you’ve got everything sorted before…
Hey my loves! If you’ve never heard of an anti-haul, basically I’m gonna “haul” to you guys stuff I’m not going to buy. I’ve done an anti-haul before, which you can check out here. You guys know I’m a beauty…
Life is hard enough without you feeling low about yourself. A lack of confidence can rob you of so many wonderful opportunities to get ahead. What you might not realize is that it doesn’t matter what has come before. Instead,…
Hey my loves! It’s been awhile since I did a goals posts so I thought I would do one for today. I think it’s a great way to start the month off! 1.) Be more active on Instagram. My Instagram…
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