Cook from scratch
When you’re at college, it’s tempting to live off ready meals and takeaways. However, this will have a negative impact on your health, not to mention your bank balance. If you want to stay as healthy as possible, it’s important to ensure that you are eating a balanced diet. Although it’s fine to have a pizza for tea now and then, it’s important to make an effort to cook healthy, wholesome meals as often as possible. They don’t need to be anything fancy. If you don’t already have one, perhaps buying a slow cooker could be a good idea?
Fit exercise into your schedule
It’s far too easy to make the mistake of thinking that you don’t have time for exercise while at college. However, it’s important to find a way to fit it into your schedule. Walking or cycling to your classes instead of driving or taking the bus is a good option, as this makes fitting exercise into your day easier. Another option could be to join a sports society, such as cheerleading or swimming. By joining a sports society, you’ll be able to workout and socialize at the same time.
Be wary of alcohol
Obviously, a big part of college is partying, and that’s fine. But it’s important to set some boundaries to prevent yourself from leading an unhealthy lifestyle. The last thing you want is to end up letting your partying impact your health, or your studies, for that matter. It’s far too easy to get into a rut with partying when you’re at college and start drinking a little too much. If you end up with an alcohol problem – this is more common at college than you would think, it can impact your life in many ways. If it’s a bad problem, you may even need to undergo therapy from specialists like those at College Recovery. So, it’s important to be wary of how much you’re drinking, as well as how often you’re drinking.
Learn to manage stress effectively
College is highly stressful; there’s no doubt about that. As a college student, it’s easy to get overly stressed out with the workload. So, it’s important to learn how to manage stress effectively, to prevent any health problems. If you feel that the stress that you’re under is getting too much, talk to your tutor or a college counselor.
Staying healthy at college, both mentally and physically, isn’t always easy. However, if you take note of the advice above, you can make it a little easier for yourself.
I hope you enjoyed the post!
Thanks for reading, as always <3
Xoxo, Rae
i can tell you that my life was okay healthy as a uni student living overseas. Exchange rate between RM and AUD was so high that I had to walk to uni, drink only water and cook most meals. So it is really about … money
Totally! I was fortunate enough to live on a campus with a dining hall accessible, but I mainly went for the pizza or pasta almost every meal since their food didn’t look appetizing or they had long lines for the good meals – but if you don’t have this as an option, it might be hard to buy food and cook all of your meals even though that might be a better choice for you health wise. 🙂 Thanks for reading!
Loved this Rae! I struggle with all of these points at times, studying at uni definitely makes it difficult…one of my main things I try to do is ensure my main meals are home cooked and healthy, so at least the main part of my diet is healthy haha! Sometimes my snacks aren’t quite as healthy but I definitely try! Kate x
I lived off of snacks when I lived on campus – it was bad! I was mainly too lazy to go to the dining hall or didn’t want to deal with people haha. I definitely didn’t make the healthiest choices when in the dining hall so if I could go back, I would definitely change my ways! Thanks for reading 🙂