College is a rewarding experience. It will provide you with the skills and qualifications required to enter the profession of your choice. It will also expose you to a variety of interesting people and experiences, which will add value and meaning to your life. However, one thing that academic study doesn’t always provide is a taste of the working world. This is where internships come in.
Many college courses, such as accounting degrees and certifications, media, and advertising, etc., will provide an opportunity to take an internship during your studies. If this is offered, it is something you should consider carefully for the following reasons.
It Will Give You The Edge Over Your Competitors
When you apply for a job, chances are hundreds of other people will also apply. The job market is crowded, and it is competitive. All those other graduates who have similar qualifications will be entering the industry at the same time. If you don’t have any work experience to draw on and discuss in your interview, you will be at a disadvantage. Life after college can be tough, and it’s hard to get onto the career ladder. Don’t limit your chances by missing out on valuable opportunities.
You Can Try Out Different Roles
Internships are a great way to test whether you enjoy doing a specific job. The good thing about these programs is that you will be exposed to several different roles. So you can try each for size and work out what you enjoy and don’t enjoy doing. Often we have an idea of a job in our head, but when we actually do it, we find that it’s not really for us. So an internship provides an opportunity to try out different roles before we fully invest.
Increase Your Skillset
Internships immerse you in the world of work. You have to be there by a certain time and adhere to accepted rules. You also have to navigate your way through office politics and learn how to communicate effectively with others. These are skills that are not always covered in college courses. Embarking on an internship will equip you with new skills to add to your resume.
An Opportunity To Observe
When you start a new job, you will be expected to hit the ground running and earn your keep. There will be little opportunity to observe others and see how they deal with various work situations. An internship provides you with this opportunity. You will be learning on the job and will have time to ask questions and observe coworkers through a typical day.
Boost Confidence
Starting a new job is nerve-wracking for everyone, even experienced workers. When it’s your first job, it can be even more intimidating. However, if you have an internship under your belt, you won’t be starting from scratch. You’ll have more of an idea of what to expect, and it’s likely that you’ll have some experience of different roles. This provides a big confidence boost.
There are numerous reasons to take an internship. They help boost confidence, expose you to a variety of roles and increase your skillset. If you have the opportunity, embrace this experience. If you don’t, your competition will.
I hope you enjoyed the post!
Thanks for reading, as always <3
Xoxo, Rae
I definitely agree with all your points! Being in a working environment gave me a lot of confidence and made it seem not so scary.
Abigail Alice x