Have you ever been in a point of your life where you lose interest in pretty much everything? You’re always bored, always tired, always hungry? I have these stages quite often, which is due to my mental health – that’s why I took some time off from blogging to focus on myself and school. If you’re interested in what I’ve been up to, keep on reading!
I unplugged.
Social media consumes us. We become obsessed with it and feel lost or left behind without it. Social media also makes you feel alone and makes you jealous (well for me at least it does). I needed to unplug myself from social media so I could better myself and work on my self esteem, as well as how much time I spend with others. I also feel like social media drains me, since I’m so involved with other people’s profiles and my own. It was nice to unplug for a little bit, the feelings of FOMO went away after a few days and I actually became more productive. I suggest it if you’re in a funk.
I slept.
Sleeping is my escape, which may be a good thing or a bad thing. I forget about all of my problems and it’s just an easier way to relax. My boyfriend definitely says I sleep too much, but it makes me feel better.
By that, I mean worked on my school projects. For my advanced graphic design class we just finished a personal branding project. Now, we have to make a program for our art exhibit on campus – I’ve had like 5 different variations and can’t seem to figure out what one I’m actually settled on but I think my newest design is a winner and my professor seemed to like it. For my package design class, I just finished up a 3D CD case for the 1975 – I struggled with this one so much. I had to spend so much money printing it and nearly every time it printed wrong unfortunately. It caused me a lot of frustration and at the end of the project I was so done with it, I just kind of said fuck it and handed in what I could (it was completed, don’t worry! just not as good as a final product that I hoped.) The next project for this class is to create a 3D promotional piece for a non-profit, I decided to contact A21 to see if they would be okay with me working on this project (also to give me experience with clients) and they agreed! They can’t use it the finished product though since they are undergoing a rebrand at the moment. I’m thinking of making a cool fold out mailer – let me know if you guys want to see some of my design stuff or if you want me to create a separate blog for my designs? For my typeface design class, I’m naturally creating a typeface. I’m creating a monospace uppercase type called Halcyon, it’s still in the works and I’m not sure if I’ll be able to make it downloadable, but I’ll let you know. I’m also in two art classes, but I mainly work in class for those assignments.
I just got back from a 4-night cruise with Royal Caribbean. We left Miami, went to Key West, sailed for a day, stopped at Nassau in the Bahamas then headed back to Miami. If you’re interested in hearing all about my cruise, let me know so I can get that post up for you (with lots of pictures!)
I learned a lot.
About myself, and about others. I’ll just leave it at that. 🙂
I’m slowly getting my motivation back to get back into the swing of things, I’m also trying not to rush it and just letting it come naturally.
I hope you enjoyed the post and that you didn’t miss me too much! What kinds of posts do you want to see next? Let me know!
Thanks so much for reading, as always <3
Xoxo, Rae
I need to see some pics from the Royal Caribbean cruise… it must have been AMAZING!
Aleeha xXx