Getting into college is a major achievement, however, many people will struggle to pay for it whilst they’re there. In addition to the cost of tuition, there are also living costs to consider, which can make college a difficult time financially for many. Fortunately, there are ways that you can support yourself through college to make sure you don’t have to sacrifice your degree for financial reasons.
Choose a college that’s closer to home
If living costs seem like they’re going to be unmanageable during your time at college, then one of the options you have is to live at home while you study. This will save you a lot of money and means you won’t have to move far away from your family to go to college. While you might be concerned about missing out on dorm life, it’s easier than you think to make going to college while living at home work.
Consider distance learning
There are different ways to earn your degree, and you might find that distance learning is more appealing if you need to financially support yourself while you learn. Distance learning can be particularly beneficial for completing further education, such as pursuing a masters degree after getting your undergrad. Some options include online master degrees in social work, or psychology, and you can take the time to study around work. Distance learning enables you to enjoy a more flexible education, which might be a better fit for your financial circumstances.
Work while you learn
Having a job whilst at college is more common than you think. Many students find it necessary to pick up some part-time work to help cover tuition or living costs. Whether you pick up an on-campus job or you work online doing something creative, there are different options available to you to help you support yourself. Make sure to balance studying, work and your social life to ensure you have a well-rounded college experience.
Look for scholarships
Scholarships can be a great way to help make it through college, and unlike student loans, they don’t need to be paid back. The Department of Education has some excellent guidance for finding and applying for scholarships, and you can also research local initiatives that you might qualify for. While a scholarship can provide your finances a boost, it’s worth bearing in mind that it might not cover your full college funding.
College can be a good opportunity to develop better financial awareness and start learning more about the value of money. By learning to take care of your financial health, you can set yourself up for a positive future and appreciate the value of working hard for the things you want in life. Anything is possible if you’re willing to succeed, so make sure you explore all of the ways you can support yourself through college.
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