Do you ever feel like you’re just not cut out for studying? Perhaps you have a low attention span. You can only stay still, reading a book for five minutes before something distracts you. Before you know it, you’ve spent a good hour staring at a bird sitting outside your window. Or, maybe no matter how long you study for nothing seems to go in. It’s possible too that you pick up all the information when you’re outside the exam. You can recite it, explain it, but as soon as you sit down in that hall…poof! It’s gone.
If you have problems like this, it’s time to look at some different methods for studying and the techniques that could help you ace that next paper.
Not Everyone Learns The Same Way
It’s important to understand this because it will hardly ever be mentioned in school or even college. We don’t all learn in exactly the same way. You’ve probably been told that to study you should read information and then answer questions on that information. However, some people are just better off reading the same information around ten times until it sinks in. Others will find it more useful to learn it like a speech, reciting it back. You might even find that the best way for you to learn is to put the information on a recording and listen to it while you’re asleep. You may not realize it, but subconsciously, you can pick up a lot of information while you’re fast asleep.
Science Can Help
Did you know that there are actually supplements that can help improve cognitive performance? It’s true, and these are called nootropics. Finding the best nootropic stacks and trying them out could lead to immense improvements in your test performance. Taking a substance to improve exam performance isn’t a new idea. We’ve all heard of the people who chugged back litres of Red Bull to stay awake and study for longer. However, unlike Red Bull, nootropics don’t have any nasty side effects and really could improve your learning ability.
Stress Induced Failure
You know you studied, you know you knew the information, and you are quite sure you understood it. Why then, does your mind go blank once you take the actual exam? This is stress induced, and it’s a lot more common than people realize. To the teacher or professor, it will seem like the student hasn’t studied. Actually, they could have studied more than anyone else in the class and still not been able to put down the right answers. To fix this issue, you need to make sure you feel relaxed as you enter the exam. Beta blockers can help here but if you don’t want to use medicine, try breathing exercises. Regulate your breathing, and your brain will receive more oxygen. This will allow you think clearer as you are about to start the exam.
I hope you enjoyed the post and that it helps you out!
But always remember, a grade on a piece of paper will never define who you are, nor what you can be.
Thanks for reading, as always <3
Xoxo, Rae
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