Hey guys! I hope you had a lovely holiday and enjoyed spending valuable time with your family and friends. I had a great holiday and I am very thankful and grateful for my family and friends and what I had received this year for Christmas. I also gave a lot too, which is my favorite part about Christmas to be honest. For today’s post I thought I would do a December favorites since December is (obviously) almost over. Keep on reading if you want to know what I’ve been loving lately!
I separated these into two sections, my shower favorites and my makeup favorites. First up, my shower favorites. (Check back tomorrow for my makeup favorites!)
If you have blonde hair, you know how frustrating it is to see your hair have that yellow tint to it (unless you’re into that)! I personally love the white/silver blonde hair, so I decided to pick up Pantene Silver Expressions Shampoo. It is the same dark purple color as Sexy Hair Blonde Sulfate-Free Shampoo
but the consistency is a little thicker. The only thing that I don’t like about this product is that it is drying to my hair, but I just make sure that I use enough conditioner and a detangler/leave in conditioner spray when styling. It makes my hair brighter and tones it so it’s the right shade of blonde for me.
Shaving is a pain and even though it’s winter, I still feel the need to shave (occasionally). I decided to subscribe to Dollar Shave Club since razors are so expensive on their own…I’m so glad I did. The razor pictured above is the Executive. It’s $9/month and you get 4 razor cartridges…totally worth it. I’m debating about buying another handle for Tyler and splitting the package with him since I’m sure I won’t go through 4 cartridges a month. I love that it’s a 6 blade razor (they also have other options!). It gives me such a smooth shave and I’ll never go back. 10/10 DO RECOMMEND.
I love the smell of citrus, so the The Body Shop Shower Gel is perfect for me. The scent is refreshing and not over powering and it’s something I can’t live without. I am going to have to stock up and buy a bigger bottle since the one I have is from a gift set. I love this scent and when I’m out of the shower I put on the body lotion because it smells that great. Judge me, I dare you.
And lastly, my face has been breaking out a lot lately, I think it’s due to my birth control but I don’t mind the breakouts too much. They are an inconvenience but not the end of the world. To help combat my breakouts, I’ve been using Dr. Lin Skincare Daily Cleanser which I bought from Ulta a little while ago. I use it with my Clarisonic Mia 2, which was a gift for Christmas from Tyler last year. It doesn’t smell bad and seems to help my skin. It does have salicylic acid in it, so if you’re sensitive to that I wouldn’t recommended it. I have noticed my skin has progressively changed, in a good way. The breakouts go away quicker and it has helped to clean up some of the pesky blackheads on my nose as well as even my skin tone. After applying this, I generously use the Dr. Lin Skincare Daily Hydrating Gel
. It feels so hydrating and refreshing on my skin. I used to have dry patches on my cheeks and around my nose and this product cleared them up so quickly. It’s one of my must haves.
Well I hope you guys enjoyed the long post and the new blog theme that I purchased today! I appreciate all of you who read my content and follow my blog. I do apologize about losing my past posts but while I’m on vacation from school, I’m going to try very hard to get lots of new content up, maybe a YouTube video or two (very strong maybe).
Xoxo, Rae!
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