With Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holidays just around the corner, we’re already in bundles of knitted sweaters, scarves, and mittens are not far behind, either. But that, my dear fellow students, is no excuse for a lack of style inspiration, in or out of the lecture halls. In fact, we can use the dreary weather and the low temperature to bring out our most colorful, vivacious outfits we can think of, that will not only look amazing, but keep us good and toasty.
For those who are still under the influence of winter blues, here are a few handy tips to bring out your inner fashionista, craft your perfect combos and get out into the cold with your head held high and your style even higher!
It’s practical, purposeful, it can be worn with everything – and I do mean everything – from your miniskirts, knee-long boots, to your crop tops and your turtlenecks, its multifaceted nature makes it a timeless garment to own.
Plus, it gives you an added layer of comfort and warmth, no matter the occasion. It’s perfectly uni-friendly, you can also wear it to a sorority party since the Hadid sisters and Kendall Jenner all rock this style off the runway with ease, and you can put it on every time you go to the store. Add a few handmade patches to make it unique, and you’re good to go!
Yes, layers can be sexy, as long as you know how and what to stack, and when you need to think matchy thoughts, or switch to a more diverse look. For example, this winter season is perfect for picking a single hue and layering it in different garments. Think azure blue, pearl white or even deep black – you can play with texture and add some gloss, but they can be your basic layering technique.
Then again, using color-blocking is another way to go, and a popular one at that. Royal blue and sunset orange, coal black and golden, or blood red and emerald green are some of the all-time favorites that can easily turn your otherwise moody blues into a vibrant day. This is when I gladly put on a rarely-worn scarlet-silver scarf I inherited from my nana, and a weird royal purple top I got as a birthday present.
In the spirit of preservation and purposeful fashion choices, winter is the perfect time to take out any piece of old, worn-out clothing that has a special emotional meaning to you. Someday, your gray college hoodie will bear that same sentimental value, but for now, choose a childhood relic – my personal favorite is a fifth-grade sweatshirt that was then, and still is, oversized, and still comfy as hell.
If you’ve given away or outgrown your own, instead of a meaningless shopping spree, you can treat yourself to a piece of clothing that supports frugal living and gives you plenty of room to experiment. You can find a slew of fun girly tops right here: www.swap.com, give them a new home, and adjust them to fit your style with a few tweaks here and there.
For those who are already snowed in and are looking at several months’ worth of blizzards, ice and cold, hot is the way to go. And by that I mean a range of cozy sweater dresses, fluffy boots, pure white winter coats, ear-muffs, mittens and thick, toasty woolen scarves (check out some wintery patterns here: www.craftsy.com) so that only your rosy nose peeks out.
And don’t forget, this is an ideal time to test out all your playful-patterned stockings, tights and those cute and sexy above-the-knee cotton and woolen socks, as an extra layer of hotness. This is where your makeup choice also steals the spotlight, as in all that whiteness, nothing stands out like a pair of perky red lips or shimmering eyeshadow. But it’s all about moderation and balance, so use your colors and your patterns wisely!
A big thank you to Mia for this great post! I hope you found it helpful and got some inspiration.
Mia Taylor is a fashion and beauty enthusiast from Sydney and writer for www.highstylife.com. She loves writing about her life experiences. Travelling and enjoying other cultures and their food with her husband is a big part of her life. She is always on the lookout for new trends in fashion and beauty, and considers herself an expert when it comes to lifestyle tips.
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