Aromatherapy is one of my favorite ways to unwind from a stressful day or to help me sleep better. I also find that aromatherapy puts me in a better mood!
I got this awesome set of essential oils from Anjou on Amazon. The set contains 6 different oils: lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, eucalyptus, tea tree and sweet orange. These oils can be used in a diffuser or can be used in shower gels or as a massage oil but you do need to use them with a carrier oil. I personally like to use them in my diffuser to set a whole tone to my bedroom! These oils are super fragrant, so you really don’t need to use a lot which I like.
This set is pretty beautiful and I love the packaging it came in. It’s definitely perfect to give away as a gift or keep for yourself.
Here’s a picture of all of the oils and it’s listed where they come from, which I think is pretty neat.
Lavender is definitely my favorite and I love putting it in my diffuser before I go to bed to help relax me. I put in two drops and I make sure to breathe in deeply to get the full effect!
Overall, I think this set is pretty great for the price, which is under $20. You can also mix the oils to get different effects or use them on their own. I also like how it came with a range of oils and not just ones that have the same “healing” properties, if you know what I mean? The packaging is what really sold me too, I was afraid that they were just going to come in a simple box, but this unique pull style box is really gorgeous and makes it look and feel more luxurious.
Have you used essential oils before or enjoy aromatherapy? Let me know below 🙂
I hope you enjoyed the post!
Thanks for reading, as always <3
Xoxo, Rae
Disclaimer: Yes, this product was sent to me to review, but sponsorships/items sent to me do not alter my opinion in anyway. I’m here to help you (my readers) to find new products that you may have never heard about. I am all about giving 100% reviews, whether I’m paid for the review, sent the item or I purchase it myself. Just something to keep in mind for my past/future reviews. Powered by BloggersRequired.
These essential oils look amazing! Great review hun.