You finish doing your makeup, stand back, and admire the view. It’s so beautiful. The perfect flick to your eyeliner, your cheeks rosy but not too much, your lips carefully lined to add a few vital millimeters. You smile at your reflection, head out of the door and – bam. The next time you see your reflection, your makeup has slid down your face. You look like the Joker, which was not exactly the impact you were going for.
It’s an all-too-real scenario for modern woman, as makeup has not quite caught up to busy, heated lives. Even if the temperatures are cool, you run the risk of under eye makeup falling and making you look like you haven’t slept for a week. You spend an evening transferring more lipstick onto glasses than you have on your mouth. It’s got to stop.
Prime, Prime, Prime
This is unlikely to be fresh news to makeup devotees, but priming is an essential. At first, the idea of a specific item that does little more than keep things in place seems like a rip off – but it does it well. While we use the word for another makeup item, primer is actually your foundation.
For an extra boost, run a cotton pad soaked in rubbing alcohol over your face and let dry before using primer. The alcohol will soak up any oil or grease, otherwise known as the makeup killers.
Matte eyeshadow is a great staple of many makeup sets, and for good reason. It, generally, has a little more staying power than its shimmery cousin. Matte lipstick is notorious for how temperamental it can be, but a good base helps it look better. If your lips are chapped, run some sugar over your lips with your fingers to give them a little exfoliation.
Finally, choose a clear lip liner to define the exact end point of your lips. Clear is particularly good, as you don’t have to purchase a separate liner for every shade of lipstick that you own. If this is looking like getting expensive, then a few Ulta promo codes are your friend.
Dab off excess.
This one applies particularly to mascara. We want big eyelashes so we layer the stuff on to get the results we’re looking for, forgetting about the excess product build up. When you are finished with application, run your fingertips over your lashes. You want to do this to the point where no color deposits on your finger. Waterproof mascaras are great for this and add an extra layer of protection.
Look for stains rather than glosses.
Lip stains have more longevity than lipstick or glosses. They are designed to deposit color more with the lip than just sit on top of it. Choose creams over powders wherever possible, as by their very nature they sit flatter against the skin – and are harder to shift.
Finally, what you shouldn’t do…
A worrying tip you will see online is to spray a thin layer of hairspray over your completed face. Don’t do this. It’s straight up not good for you to be inhaling that level of spray, and it doesn’t work either. Stay clear and try the solutions above instead.
I hope these tips help you & that you enjoyed the post!
Thanks for reading, as always <3
Xoxo, Rae
Great tips, matte makeup definitely lasts much longer for me
Me too! I also think it looks more natural 🙂
The thought of spraying hairspray on your face is appalling and I can’t believe people actually do that D: Mac Fix+ spray will do the trick just fine. Other than that, I have the Too faced matte palette and absolutely love it! Such an essential for any beauty stockpile!
Right! There are inexpensive setting sprays that are actually made for your face. I feel like hairspray would just leave you feeling sticky and gross D: Thanks for reading though!
These are great tips! Priming is definitely an essential for me! 🙂
Nicole |
What’s your favorite primer? 🙂
Thank you so much for sharing these tips! I’m actually going to try some of these out this weekend. Such a great post! 🙂